Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Erasing Old Memories, Starting New Ones

Memories are a funny concept.  I was just telling your Baba, how I've lived 36 years of life with Nenek, but the strongest memories I have of her involved her stay at the hospital during the last two months of her life.  The last 2 months were filled with memories of hope, recovery, routine visits and care.  But most profound image of all was her staring out of the ICU ward window.  God knows what was going though her head.

I don't know how long that memory will stay.  Perhaps forever till my last breath.

So now, I focus on adding more meaningful memories especially surrounding you and our loved ones.  Right now, its specifically focused on Atuk.  Atuk doesn't ask for much in his age now.  Just to feel he is needed and able to care for his family - even if Mama and Pak Long has passed that age already.

I'm arranging a holiday for him to Vietnam.  A trip he will take i n October with some friends.  I hope he will have good memories to keep from that trip.
