Friday, November 11, 2011

Atuk's 2nd Eye Operation

Mama did not write about Atuk's first eye op.  He has to date undergone two eye operations, basically to replace his current eye lenses.  With the operation done, Atuk no longer needs to wear glasses for reading, and is able to see better when driving.

It was a day operation.  I brought him to PPUM, and later Pak Long came to also be with us.  The entire procedure from pre-op to post op took only half a day, and most of the care was done at home.  The doctor prescribed eye-drops, and Atuk had to go in a few days after the op to check on the lense and make sure the eye was recovering from the surgery.  

This is Atuk resting on the hospital bed, all ready to be called into the procedure room.

He's happy to go through the procedure.  But then again, Atuk is a big believer of getting himself checked medically first rather than some other methods of healing.  I did not take his post-op photo, but the eye-patch he had to put on sure raise some curiosity with you and Ahmad Danial!  Ahmad even volunteered to assist with administering the eye-drops for Atuk.  He was made to be in-charge on holding the eye-drops and handing them over to either Pak Long or Mama (depending on who was around to help Atuk).

Now, Atuk has better vision than Mama!