Thursday, December 29, 2011

The End and New Beginning

As I write this, its the end of 2011.  The next entry will be in 2012, and we are celebrating that new year with a new addition to the family, Aishah Zahirah.  

She's the second child to Pak Long and Maklong, and sister to Ahmad Danial.  Yesterday, Mama and Baba brought Atuk to see Aishah and Maklong at the labour ward. Today, Pak Long has just sms-ed Mama to say that both mother and child will be coming home.  Seronok nanti ada baby dalam rumah.

Khadijah must be a good sister okay? You must help take care of Adik Aishah.  Petang nanti you will meet her.  So, till then be good.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Somber, But Real Reminder...

Bila Waktu Telah Berakhir

Bagaimana kau merasa bangga
Akan dunia yang sementara
Bagaimanakah bila semua hilang dan pergi
meninggalkan dirimu

Bagaimanakah bila saatnya
waktu terhenti tak kau sadari
masihkah ada jalan bagimu
untuk kembali mengulangkan masa lalu

Dunia dipenuhi dengan hiasan
semua dan segala yang ada akan
kembali padaNya

Bila waktu telah memanggil
Teman sejati hanyalah amal
Bila waktu telah terhenti
teman sejati tinggallah sepi...


A somber yet true reminder that we are all merely servants of ALLAH S.W.T.  Dari Dia kita datang dan kepada Dia kita kembali....

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


You've had various types of hair cut up till now.  But since your hair is the chinese straight kind, its fairly easy for me to care for your hair.  The one above you had it right after mama "cukur" your hair off after 7 days being born.

This one was one of your first formal hair cuts, tapi sebab Mama dah malas nak fikir, I just brought you to a Mamak hairstyle salon named "Ruba Hair Salon" near our old house in Kajang.  Your Tok bising because I had your hair cut like a boy..Teeheehee.

This hair style, Mama did the haircut for you.  Simple.  Just cut the back and front.  Luckily you were good enough to sit fairly still.  Well, you did manage to swallow a strand or two I think.

This one, you were already almost 2 years old.  This hair cut was done at a hair salon near Atuk's house.  Mama had to pay RM20 for it.  I thought it was a bit pricey, but considering the lady had it done fairly good (better than if I had done it for you), I suppose it was okay.

This picture was taken last Hari Raya Aidilfitri.  You looked really cute! And for once you allowed the hairclips to stay on for more than 10 minutes.  In fact, you allowed it to stay on for almost the whole day.  But, sekali tu jer la pun. Sighhh....

 This is a fairly recent picture, but even then I had already cut your hair again.  So its much shorter now.  I decided, until you can look after your own hair, I'll keep it short. You have rather active sweat glands, and your hair becomes "mushuk masham" bila dah peluh sangat-sangat.

God knows how different you will look in the coming years. But at least, for now, you remain with the look captured in this entry.
