Monday, February 7, 2011

When Living is Not The Only Purpose in Life...

Life is indeed precious.

Within the past weeks, I have had the opportunity to know so many great life changing things happening to the people around me. Some quite profound, and a definite eye opener, while some, though may not be eye opening, it still quite a reminder to me how life can change, just the way it did. All as planned, happening, not a second later or sooner.

One example I will write about here.

A person I have known for more than 10 years, has decided to make a great leap of faith. Take this literally. This special person has decided to leave the faith she is borned and raised with, and take the ultimate life changing decision to be with Islam. Praise Allah AlMighty for giving this person the hidayah that only He can. No one had known this was coming, at least to those who thought they were close enough. All of us were pleasantly surprised, and together we know we'll take care of our new "family member".

This has made me to realize, living is done with a purpose. We wake up every morning, to play a certain role in our life and the lives of others. So, the question is, how do we choose to fill in the time given to us? The answer, choose to live life in such a way that not only helps you fulfill what you can do for yourself, but also for those who are within your circle of communication. Help them become better people by making yourself better day by day.

As the servants of Allah, our ultimate prize is Jannah, never forget this, my dearest. So, live your life to the fullest. Choose your path well, and make living worth every achieve eternal happiness.

Wo Ai Ni,

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Nothing Much...

One per month? That's the rate this blog is being updated currently. Well, in between, office work and house work, that is considered good enough. I guess?

The Rabbit will be hopping in along in less than 2 days. Its going to be a looooooooonggg weekend. Yeay! The family has nothing planned, but I am hoping we can do something different for the weekend. Thinking of having a barbecue...

Tengoklah nanti, kalau mama rajin..teeheehee...