Letting go of a favourite soft toy.
Letting go of a cassette tape of a favourite rock band (in the era of discs and DVDs)
Letting go of loved ones.
Letting go of grudges.
Even when it comes to...letting go of sad memories...
I have my share of the above. Seems silly though somehow, but humans being humans, we hang on to even silly things. I know one day, I will have to let go of you. I will have to let you make and live by your own choices, and trust that you will make good choices, for that matter. It will be hard, but it will be necessary.
But if there is one thing I have learnt in my life so far, letting go can be good not just for me, but also for the person being let go of, especially. So my love, I will not teach you on how to let go, but you will learn this skill yourself through your own life experiences.