Monday, April 26, 2010

Life is Not Always a Box of Chocolates

Believe me when I say, "life is not ALWAYS a box of chocolates". Emphasis on the word always. This means that sometimes it is, and sometimes its not. Actually, life is what you make it out to be.

For me, life is about fulfilling my dreams through the dreams of others, only to realize I am not fulfilling mine at all. I am a fine example of playing out somebody's else's script on life. Some part of that act turned out well, but some parts not so good. I rejoice the ones that made me strong, but I do not regrets the one that didn't actually turn out the way I wanted it to be.

My life is about sacrifices, love, tears, laughter etc. This is far from un-common. In fact, what I had just stated a few lines back sums up about almost everyones lives. This only difference is, is there more tears than laughter, more joy than sorrow?

Above all, it takes guts and strong will to realize it all, and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT instead of wallowing in pool of tears and pitifulness. So, though life ain't always a box of Godivas, you may also want to know, are Godivas the ones that make your tongue tingle, or is it the Twixes that satisfies you.

My love, though this post may not hit you right away, it will in time. And I hope, you will be strong to face it all, and come out of it more beautiful the next day.