Thursday, January 21, 2010

Easy Come, Easy Go

There is nothing definite in life. All that we have is God's and it can be taken anyway in a split second. As such, use the time given to the fullest.

With this in mind, I constantly think about how my actions will affect others. In my life, on a daily basis, I aim not to impart grievances to anyone. Everything can be done in a better way. I learn from a wise friend, you are no one if you don't have the respect of others. But for other people to respect you, you must respect others first.

I pray everyday:
- not to be consumed by what I think I know, and think less of others,
- to show the civil side of me, and not the ugly side of me,
- to be humble, and never be boastful,
- to be a better and wholesome person in life.

Remember Khadijah, ikut resmi padi, makin berisi, makin tunduk. Don't ever think you are above anyone. Money cannot buy happiness and friends. That has been proven again and again.

Your fate can turn in a split second. Easy come, easy go.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Get Sick Week

First of all, I've never imagined myself getting this sick. It started of on Thursday with a really high fever that left my bones feeling as if they were going to break any time. A quick dash to the nearest specialist hospital, and a jab at the bum later made me felt slightly better, and thought that nursing it off for the day would be sufficient.

Come Saturday, the feverish feeling came again, with small shrills of cough and a sharp pain in the throat that made me want to slap my head and say Oh No Not Again. Popped 2 PCMs (that's the name the doctor in Sunway Medical Center gave to paracetamol. I feel repeating it the same way makes me sound "medical"). The feeling of relief came only for a while before sticky stuff started coming out of my left eye, and before you know it, it was red and swollen. So now, with fever, I also had a red throat and a red left eye. Like most Malaysian, and the spirit of Malaysia Boleh, I slept it off, knowing I'd be facing something worse the next morning.

True enough, I could not sleep well that night. Your dad was pretty upset because I wouldn't go to the hospital much earlier (as well as for some reason Mama cannot indulge here). So, he sped us off to Sunway Medical Center A&E. This time the doctor took some blood to test for H1N1 and also dengue. We lounged off for an hour before the result came back negative for both. The doctor asked if I wanted to be admitted. No, thanks was my response.

Two days later, though less feverish and without the sharp pain in my throat, the cough was still there. Especially at night. They keep coming and coming and coming. So, currently, am contemplating if I should make a visit to the medical center again. Still trying to keep the spirit of Malaysia Boleh alive...we'll see how it goes by evening...

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Day End Dilemma

Everyday, without avail, I would be asked this question.

"Sayang, what do you want to have for dinner?"

My reaction would be a lame face, " I don't know..."

Seriously. By the time we reach home, it'll be around 8pm. Too late for me to fix something from scratch. I had ambitiously wanted to plan a home cooked meal for us, but alas, time is my enemy and so is tiredness and laziness.

Lucky for me, my man is not a picky eater. But I so pity him sometimes. Sorry dear, I try to cook more during the weekends, okay?

My late mom used to call me in the afternoons while I was at work just to know what she should cook for dinner that day. She's be very happy if I come up with some easy meals for her to prepare and most importantly something she has not cooked for the last two weeks. Easy for me. All I had to do then was sit down and eat. Hehehhe...

But now, being a wife and mother myself, and the desire to prepare a good meal for the family eats me up every day. After all a good meal is a key to a good life...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

When Life Was Simpler

Where I am now, I am constantly reminiscing on how life was when I was younger. When things were much simpler.

I was born in Johor Bharu, but much of my life was spent in KL, specifically Taman Tun Dr Ismail. I vividly remember the housing area when we first moved there. I was two.

I can still visualize the winding road from Damansara Heights, passing through Taman Tan Sri Lee Lian Lian, to the small cowboy town (where Tropicana City Mall now stands) before reaching TTDI. Back then only the Zaaba area was completed, and only a handful of houses were occupied. Some days, aunties in floppy-cloth-batik designed hats would ting-tang our gate to sell detergent, cleaning liquids and the likes. Uncles selling tau-foo-fah passes through in the afternoons, and pakciks selling rojak and satay would cycle through in the evenings.

My brother, cousin-sister and I would spend our time lounging at the porch, and sometimes wander around to an open ground near our house. That open ground is now where Petronas, BHP, and Lim Tayar are today.

A much older cousin brother, who was then doing his degree at Universiti Malaya would sometimes treat us (all three of us, and yes we fit back then) on a motorcycle ride around the housing area, usually venturing around Openg area. That same motorcyle gave me the exhaust "birth mark" at the back on my leg, the result of playing near the vehicle while the exhaust pipe was still hot.

We also were given permission to go to the playground, which we could see from our house. But playground hours were only from 5pm - 630pm. Some days we stayed-in, depended on what was showing on TV that afternoon. Mind you, television programs back then only started at 5pm. If I more or less behaved that day, I'd get a spoonful of peanut butter, or a cup of Milo powder as a treat. If not, just watch TV. No treat.

In the evening, I would have to sit in-front of my Dad for Muqaddam recital. Somehow, though we know my Dad is quite strict, I always managed to giggle about something or other.

That was back then. When life was simpler.

Monday, January 4, 2010

First Blog Entry

Alhamdulillah, this is just the beginning of more writings to come. Hope this will revitalize kebolehan menulis yang tak pernah diasah pun, and for me to vent out the 'extra' energy I get from my career.